Dine kommentarer

Hi John,
Aren't you looking at a different profile in the App than in your GA (e.g. if you have one for filtered and one for unfiltered data)? Because we're pulling the same data as you have in your GA account and are not applying any filters at all.

If you use a custom segment for filttering results, you can apply the created segment inside the app (Pro version only)

Best regards, Peter

Hi Sythe
Thanks for your proposa
That report does not exist in Google Analytics,does it? We only can add reports or metrics/dimension that are available in Google Analytics
Best regards, Peter
Hi Hans,
Sorry for our late answer, but it took some time to check that.

My assumption for the effect is the following: Are you looking at a Google Profile, that has a different time zone than you are in? (e.g. time zone of the profile US)

If it's wrong configured you could change that in the Google Analytics settings: Check this help page on how you can change time zone for a Google Analytics profile: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1010249?hl=en
If it's correct, that the time zone should be US (or other), then we currently can't fix quickly in the app. This is something that we have to put on our backlog.

Best regards, Peter

Thanks for getting in touch with us. Apoligizes for the issues you are experiencing.
So the Pro features expired after the 5 days trial plan, again?

Please forward us then your purchase order (email from Apple iTunes or screenshot from iTunes order history showing an order ID) to idashboard.analytics@gmail.com. We'll check that then and send you a restoration code to fix your purchase.

Best regards, Peter
Hi Jeremy,
Thanks for your proposal
With dashboard Pro you can drill down revenue and transactions from tha dashboard to see the revenue/transactions of the sources or medium. Is this not the view you're looking for?

Best regards, Peter
Hi Greg,
Thanks for your message, we'll check that.
Best regards, Peter

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